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Pros and Cons of Gel Eyeliner

Mar. 07, 2024
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Good morning! Today we’re talking about eyeliner. Woo hoo!

Who knew you could get so excited over eyeliner. 🙂

Eyeliner is one of the things I wear everyday.

Truth be told, I sometimes were it to bed because I’m too lazy to remove my

eye makeup. I know, not smart!

Anyway, eyeliner makes your eyes pop and I’ve recently started wearing gel eyeliner

because it goes on easy without tugging on the delicate eye area.

The skin around our eyes is thin and as we age, skin loses its elasticity and becomes even

thinner due to a breakdown of collagen.

It’s important not to pull or tug on the eye area while putting on eyeliner.

There are many gel eyeliners to choose from but I use Maybelline Eye Studio gel eyeliner.

There are pros and cons to using gel eyeliner:


  • Gel eyeliner produces neat line
  • You can control thickness of lines
  • It glides on smoothly and does not tug on skin
  • Gel eyeliner is long lasting and doesn’t smudge


  • It dries quickly so any mistakes have to be fixed quick
  • Takes a few times getting use to using a brush to apply eyeliner

The Maybelline Eye Studio gel eyeliner is inexpensive and lasts a long time.

What about you, do you wear eyeliner and have you tried gel eyeliner?

Beauty For the Heart~~This week in Sunday School we’re studying the Shema

in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, which is the foundation of the Jewish faith and the

commandment Jesus considered the greatest in Mark 12:28-30.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all

your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30

As christians this verse should guide our everyday life.

Does your life reflect your love for God?

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How many hours have you spent applying makeup over the years? How many hours do you think you’ll spend applying makeup in the future? Let’s say that you spend five minutes every day filling in your eyebrows and applying eyeliner. In a year, you would spend about 1,825 minutes with your eyebrow pencil and eyeliner. That’s over 30 hours! Shocking, isn’t it? If you’re tired of applying makeup every morning, permanent makeup might be the perfect solution. It sounds a bit scary, I’ll admit, but if you hire skilled professionals and you carefully consider your choice beforehand, permanent makeup can be a time-saving and extremely convenient purchase. Just imagine it: you would never have to fill in those sparse and pesky eyebrows again! To learn a little more about the procedure, check out the permanent makeup pros and cons we’ve listed below.

Permanent Makeup Pros and Cons


  • It’s convenient. The most obvious benefit of permanent makeup is that you won’t have to carefully apply your makeup each day. For that reason, it’s a great choice for older women, busy women, athletes (especially swimmers), and anyone else who’s tired of spending precious time in front of the mirror.
  • It will save you time. Every minute counts, especially when you’re rushing to get to work in the morning!
  • It won’t smudge or wipe off. Have you ever looked in the mirror to find that you have raccoon eyes? Or maybe you accidentally wiped off half an eyebrow without realizing it? With permanent makeup, you won’t ever have to worry about smudging, smearing, or wiping!
  • It can be tailored to your preferences. Permanent makeup is available in a variety of colors, thicknesses, and styles, so you can carefully choose the right look for your needs.
  • It can improve your confidence. If you’re self-conscious about your breast scars or areola repigmentation, permanent makeup can change your entire outlook.


  • It’s permanent. If you like to change your makeup look every few weeks, permanent makeup is not for you. You will have this tattoo for the rest of your life, so you must be absolutely certain that you love it. It should be a classic style, not a trendy fad. It should be carefully considered, not requested spur-of-the-moment. And finally, it should be applied by an attentive professional who will ensure that the look you want is the look you get.
  • It can pose safety concerns. Like all tattoos, permanent makeup can cause allergic reactions or skin infections, but the risk is very small. At DermaHealth Laser & Skin Care Clinic, we use sterilized, one time use equipment to reduce the risk of infection.
  • It can be painful. Since we’re talking about tattoos, it should be obvious that the procedure can hurt a bit. We use anesthetics to help with the comfort of the procedure, both before and during.
  • It can be expensive. Of course this will depend on the procedure you choose and the size of the area, but permanent makeup certainly isn’t as cheap as drugstore makeup.
  • If you add up all the money you spend on certain cosmetics, however, you might find it comparable in the long run.
  • It can fade. Permanent makeup, like most all tattoos, can fade over time. Years from now, you may have to deal with faded eyeliner or a repeat procedure, to darken the line.

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There is a lot to think about in regard to these permanent makeup pros and cons, and because this is a permanent procedure, careful consideration is key. Take your time, weigh your options, and speak with a professional before you make your final decision. Good luck!

If you’re interested in permanent makeup and you live in Springfield, Missouri, contact DermaHealth. We offer a variety of permanent makeup services including eyeliner, eyebrows, and scar camouflage. To learn more about your options, give us a call at 417-447-7777 or click here to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

Pros and Cons of Gel Eyeliner

Permanent Makeup Pros and Cons



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